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Produkt zum Begriff Project-Portfolio-Management:

  • Agile Portfolio Management
    Agile Portfolio Management

    Agile development processes foster better collaboration, innovation, and results. So why limit their use to software projects—when you can transform your entire business? Written by agile-mentoring expert Jochen Krebs, this book illuminates the opportunities—and rewards—of applying agile processes to your overall IT portfolio. Whether project manager, business analyst, or executive—you’ll understand the business drivers behind agile portfolio management. And learn best practices for optimizing results. Use agile processes to align IT and business strategy Adapt and extend core agile processes Orchestrate the collaboration between IT and business vision Eliminate wish-list driven requirements, and manage expectations instead Optimize the balance of projects, resources, and assets in your portfolio Use metrics to communicate project status, quality, even team morale Create a portfolio strategy consistent with the goals of the organization Achieve organizational and process transparency Manage your business with agility—and help maximize the returns!

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Project Management
    Project Management

    Develop the essential skillset to manage and deliver critical projects that will lead to business success. Project Management, 5th edition, by Maylor and Turner is a market-leading text offering you an in-depth and contemporary account of the theory and practice of Project Management. Ideal for students in Undergraduate, Master's, and MBA programmes, as well as professionals who practice this dynamic field, the text discusses the complexities of Project Management through various facets of project leadership: managerial, relational, and entrepreneurial. Drawing on recent research as well as new and original models and frameworks, this edition provides a critical appraisal of the field, anchored in the authors' extensive teaching, research, and consulting experience. The highlights of this edition include: A critical appraisal of project management, providing an overview of management knowledge that is relevant to the field. Links to appropriate theoretical work across sections throughout the text that emphasise the use of project management from theory to practice. An updated and completely rewritten chapter on Project Leadership, describing different models of leadership, motivation, and their impact. New and revised real-world examples discussing topics such as the responses to the Covid-19 pandemic and social justice projects from around the world. Project Management in Practice case studies that include the rescue of Crossrail, Norway's QA process for planning major projects, and the construction of Heathrow Terminal 5. With a plethora of figures, photos, and features to support your understanding of the topics, this must-read textbook will equip you with the tools you need around the subject, whether you are studying project management as part of a course or for your personal development.

    Preis: 81.32 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Brilliant Project Management
    Brilliant Project Management

    Ensure that your projects succeed every timeWhether you are organising an important event or heading up a large team, running a project can be a daunting process. Spiralling costs and missed deadlines are part of everyday life for many project managers - in fact, more projects fail than succeed!But project management doesn't have to be this way.  It is possible to manage projects that consistently meet deadlines and come in within budget. Brilliant Project Management shows you how. Drawing on over 30 years of experience, you’ll discover how to ensure your projects succeed every time.   ·    Make a success of any project Deliver on your promises Save money, time and your sanity!It’s the ultimate guide to becoming a brilliant project manager.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Brilliant Agile Project Management
    Brilliant Agile Project Management

    What is Agile Project Management and will it bring my project in on time and budget? If you need a solid understanding of how Agile Project Management works so your projects can fully benefit from using this innovative and powerful approach, this book is essential reading.  Brilliant Agile Project Management does more than just talk you through the techniques and processes - focussing on real-life use of Agile in business environments, it provides practical advice and techniques on how to implement and work with Agile, so you always know exactly what to do and say to make your project a success. Assess whether your organisation or project is right for using APM Understand how to implement APM into any project Overcome common problems with APM  The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die wichtigsten Prinzipien für ein erfolgreiches Portfolio-Management?

    Die wichtigsten Prinzipien für ein erfolgreiches Portfolio-Management sind Diversifikation, Risikomanagement und regelmäßige Überprüfung und Anpassung der Anlagen. Durch eine breite Streuung der Investments kann das Risiko minimiert werden. Ein kontinuierliches Monitoring und die Anpassung der Portfolio-Allokation an sich ändernde Marktbedingungen sind entscheidend für langfristigen Erfolg.

  • Was sind die gängigsten Materialien zur Herstellung von Druckplatten in der Druckindustrie?

    Die gängigsten Materialien zur Herstellung von Druckplatten in der Druckindustrie sind Aluminium, Kunststoff und Gummi. Aluminiumplatten sind langlebig, präzise und bieten eine hohe Qualität bei der Druckwiedergabe. Kunststoffplatten sind kostengünstiger und eignen sich gut für kleinere Auflagen, während Gummiplatten flexibel und einfach zu bearbeiten sind.

  • Wie kann man effektiv ein Portfolio verwalten, um eine optimale Rendite zu erzielen? Welche Strategien sind für das Portfolio-Management in einem volatilen Marktumfeld am besten geeignet?

    Um ein Portfolio effektiv zu verwalten und eine optimale Rendite zu erzielen, ist es wichtig, eine diversifizierte Anlagestrategie zu verfolgen, regelmäßig das Portfolio zu überwachen und bei Bedarf anzupassen. In einem volatilen Marktumfeld sind langfristige Anlagestrategien wie Buy-and-Hold, Dollar-Cost-Averaging und Rebalancing besonders geeignet, um Risiken zu minimieren und Chancen zu nutzen. Es ist auch ratsam, auf kurzfristige Trends zu reagieren und gegebenenfalls Absicherungsstrategien wie Optionen oder Futures einzusetzen.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "The Blair Witch Project" von 1999 und "Blair Witch Project" von 1998?

    Es gibt keinen Unterschied zwischen "The Blair Witch Project" von 1999 und "Blair Witch Project" von 1998. Es handelt sich um denselben Film, der 1998 gedreht wurde, aber erst 1999 veröffentlicht wurde. Der Film wurde ursprünglich als unabhängiger Found-Footage-Horrorfilm vermarktet und erlangte durch seine innovative Erzählweise und das virale Marketing große Bekanntheit.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Project-Portfolio-Management:

  • Project Management Book, The
    Project Management Book, The

    The Project Management Book addresses the real-life scenarios and issues that anyone responsible for managing a project is likely to face on a day to day basis.  It provides solutions to the everyday issues involved in managing projects, including: Defining your project Understanding your role as a project manager Dealing with external problems Learning from Lean and Six Sigma Delivering projects in times of change It also includes a handy glossay of project management jargon The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Agile Project Management with Kanban
    Agile Project Management with Kanban

    Use Kanban to maximize efficiency, predictability, quality, and valueWith Kanban, every minute you spend on a software project can add value for customers. One book can help you achieve this goal: Agile Project Management with Kanban. Author Eric Brechner pioneered Kanban within the Xbox engineering team at Microsoft. Now he shows you exactly how to make it work for your team. Think of this book as “Kanban in a box”: open it, read the quickstart guide, and you’re up and running fast. As you gain experience, Brechner reveals powerful techniques for right-sizing teams, estimating, meeting deadlines, deploying components and services, adapting or evolving from Scrum or traditional Waterfall, and more. For every step of your journey, you’ll find pragmatic advice, useful checklists, and actionable lessons. This truly is “Kanban in a box”: all you need to deliver breakthrough value and quality. Use Kanban techniques to:Start delivering continuous value with your current team  and projectMaster five quick steps for completing work backlogsPlan and staff new projects more effectivelyMinimize work in progress and quickly adjust to changeEliminate artificial meetings and prolonged stabilizationImprove and enhance customer engagementVisualize workflow and fix revealed bottlenecksDrive quality upstreamIntegrate Kanban into large projectsOptimize sustained engineering (contributed by James Waletzky)Expand Kanban beyond software development

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Project Management Step By Step
    Project Management Step By Step

    An accessible guide to the practical steps of essential project management activities, including developing a plan, building risks and issues logs and managing a project through to completion.

    Preis: 15.73 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Project Management Step by Step
    Project Management Step by Step

    You’ve been given a project to run. You know you need to get it right, but you don’t know what you need to do and in what order to make sure it all runs smoothly and you come out of it looking great. You need Project Management Step by Step.Almost every manager and businessperson finds at some time they need to complete a task that has sufficient complexity and importance that an ad-hoc approach to getting it done is just not enough.Managers in this common situation need the structure and rigour of a project management approach, yet very few managers are formally trained in project management or have the inclination, time or finances to become trained. They need an approach they can feel confident is sufficiently robust to ensure their success, but also simple enough to be immediately applicable. Project Management Step by Step provides the solution to this problem; a practical and immediate way to become a competent project manager.The author of this book has also developed an interactive project management game with Totem Learning, which can be played as a stand-alone learning experience or used as a case study in a more extensive project management training course.The game is PC based and costs £30 per user for a license, with discounts for larger orders. Find out more at

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie können Druckplatten effektiv und kostengünstig hergestellt werden?

    Druckplatten können effektiv und kostengünstig durch den Einsatz von computergesteuerten Belichtungsgeräten hergestellt werden, die das gewünschte Design direkt auf die Platte übertragen. Zudem können digitale Druckplatten verwendet werden, die ohne chemische Entwicklungsprozesse auskommen und somit Zeit und Kosten sparen. Eine regelmäßige Wartung und Pflege der Druckplatten sowie die Verwendung hochwertiger Materialien können die Lebensdauer der Platten verlängern und weitere Kosten senken.

  • Was ist der Project X Kelch?

    Der Project X Kelch ist ein Begriff, der in Bezug auf das Partyphänomen "Project X" verwendet wird. Es bezieht sich auf einen Kelch oder Becher, der oft als Symbol für die exzessiven und wilden Partys steht, die im Rahmen von Project X stattfinden. Der Kelch wird oft als Souvenir oder Erinnerungsstück von solchen Veranstaltungen genutzt.

  • Wird mein Project Sekai Account gelöscht?

    Als KI habe ich keinen Zugriff auf persönliche Kontoinformationen oder die Fähigkeit, Konten zu löschen. Um herauszufinden, ob dein Project Sekai Account gelöscht wird, solltest du dich an den Kundensupport oder die offizielle Website von Project Sekai wenden.

  • Wie unterscheidet sich der Offsetdruck von anderen Druckverfahren und welche Vorteile bietet er für die Massenproduktion von Druckmaterialien?

    Der Offsetdruck verwendet eine indirekte Druckmethode, bei der die Farbe zuerst auf eine Gummituchwalze übertragen wird und dann auf das Papier gedruckt wird. Dadurch entsteht ein scharfes und hochwertiges Druckbild. Dieses Verfahren eignet sich besonders gut für die Massenproduktion von Druckmaterialien, da es schnell, kostengünstig und in hoher Qualität durchgeführt werden kann.

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